Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saturday Salsa

While Conner was with his Dad this weekend, I decided to get domesticated and can salsa. Conner absolutely loves salsa and since I enjoy cooking, I thought this would be a perfect combination to a beautiful Saturday. Check out the amazing ingredients below.

This process took much longer than I anticipated but I enjoyed every minute of it. It literally took ALL day. The roasted vegetables left the most amazing aroma in my house. That alone was worth it, although the Salsa tasted pretty good if I do say so myself. This is the end result.

I would highly recommend anyone that enjoys cooking and salsa to try this. It is great for last minute hostess gifts (I'm gonna jazz it up with some printed cloth around the rims and a "homemade by jenn" card. The rest should last Conner and me a good 6 months of mouth watering healthy/snacks (without the chips that is!). Enjoy!


Crazy Kids said...

I have to say, as I started reading this, I had to double back and look to make sure I was reading the correct blog! :)

I am VERY impressed Martha!! Where was Martha when we were roommates???

Love ya!

Just For Conner said...

Hehe....I think we were too busy looking for the next big keg party or planning our tattoo we were determined to get but had to hide from our Mothers! Those sure were fun times though. Hey, I just remembered....we made popcorn every night. Doesn't that count! Can't wait for Wednesday! Love, Jenn

Michelle said...

Jenn jenn, so do you sell this amazing looking salsa?? If so, i'll take 2 please!!!

Looks great jenn!!


Just For Conner said...

2 jars coming your way dear. Anything for you! Hope you like it! Will you send me your address again? Hugs, Jenn

Debbie Young said...

Hey love
We slurped up that salsa, how fun to see the before pics! you are such a doll, I just love my teapot and all my goodies. the cross is by my computer to remind me of you and Conner everyday! I love the notepads and journal, so cute.. now I have to get writing!
love you
PS I wrote about and took pics of your special gift, go see my blog!