Friday, July 11, 2008

Conner's Aunt Angie!

Dear Conner,

You have Two Special Aunts, who just so happen to be my younger sisters that love you so much. Today, you will meet Aunt Angie (aka: Angelina Ballerina). She has become a very special part of your life and watching the two of you together makes me smile and laugh.

You are both so very competitive. She hates to lose to a 7 year old but oftentimes does (shhh..don't tell her I said that). The two of you will play games together and a new favorite is the Wii. I remember the first time you guys played the bowling game. You had a week or two advantage to learn. She still thought she would beat you. Well, she was wrong and oh so very mad. You told her she wasn't very good and that got her blood boiling. We finally showed her the trick to "getting a strike" and then the game was really on. A few weeks later, we went to bowling for real. You were telling everyone how "you so rock at bowling." I started to have the gutters put up for you, but you ever so graciously declined because you had the Wii down at home, so real life must be just as easy. You soon learned who really rocked and asked for the gutters to be put back up. If I remember correctly, you legitimized this in your mind as "it's only fair because you were the kid." I think you even offered to bowl for her a time or two and threw it in the gutter (I'm sure by accident) to ensure you won at least one game that day. Regardless, the two of you bicker back and forth and both do whatever it takes to win (including cheat).

When people see us all together they oftentimes think that you are her child as the two of you look a lot alike. It does hurt my feelings but hey; she's not so bad to look at so it could be worse right?

On a more serious note, if God forbid something ever happened to me, she would be the person that I hope would take my place as much as possible. Don’t misunderstand me; the rest of our family is VERY important and would play a huge role, it’s just that we are most alike. We think alike and have the same views, values and morals that I want you to learn. Trust me, I’m not planning on anyone having to worry about this, but life is full of surprises and it’s always better to think things through Conner, especially when you are a parent.

Well Son, you are pretty lucky. We all are. Aunt Angie and you show me how to laugh and not take life so seriously. And next time the two of you are playing a game together, I hope you kick her butt (not that I'm competitive or anything!)


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wonderful post girlie!! Conner is so lucky to have you as his mommy! Your sister Angie is very pretty, just like you!!!